Sunday, August 7, 2005

Bibliography: Melungeon Books and Periodicals


Aswell, James, God Bless The Devil, Federal Writers Project, University
of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1940.

Ball, Bonnie, Melungeons: Their Origin and Kin, Overmountain Press, Johnson
City, Tennessee, 1969, revised 1992.

Berry, Brewton, Almost White, Macmillan, New York, 1963.

Bible, Jean Patterson, Melungeons Yesterday and Today, East Tennessee
Printing Company, Rogersville, Tennessee, 1975.

Callahan, Jim, Lest We Forget: The Melungeon Colony of Newman's Ridge,
Overmountain Press, Johnson City, Tennessee, 2000.

Cohen, David S., The Ramapo Mountain People, Rutgers University Press, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, 1974.

Elder, Pat Spurlock, Melungeons: Examining an Appalachian Legend,
Continuity Press, Blountville, Tennessee, 1999.

Gallegos, Eloy J., The Melungeons: The Pioneers of the Interior
Southeastern United States, 1526-1997, Villagra Press, Knoxville, 1997.

Goins, Jack H., Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families, Jack Harold Goins,
Rogersville, Tennessee, 2000.

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, Charles and Randy Elder Booksellers,
Nashville, 1887, reprinted 1972.

Hale, Will T., and Merritt, D. L., A History of Tennessee and Tennesseeans,
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1913.

Haun, Mildred, The Hawk's Done Gone, New York, 1940.

Johnson, Mattie Ruth, My Melungeon Heritage: A Story of Life on Newman's
Ridge, Overmountain Press, Johnson City, Tennessee, 1997.

Kennedy, N. Brent, with Kennedy, Robyn Vaughan, The Melungeons: The
Resurrection of a Proud People; An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in
America, Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1994, revised 1997.

Kennedy, N. Brent (NEW BOOK)

Kessler, John S., and Ball, Donald B., North From The Mountains: A Folk
History of the Carmel Melungeon Settlement, Highland County, Ohio, Macon,
Georgia, Mercer University Press, 2001.

Langdon, Barbara Tracy. Melungeons: An Annotated Bibliography: References in Both Fiction and Non Fiction Woodville, Texas: Dogwood Press. 82 pages. ASU ASU APP COLL STACKS: Z1251 .M35 L36 1998.

Mira, Manuel, The Portuguese Making of America, Portuguese-American
Historical Research Foundation, Inc, Franklin, North Carolina, 2001.

____________, The Forgotten Portuguese: The Melungeons and Other Groups,
Portuguese-American Historical Research Foundation, Inc., Franklin, North
Carolina, 1998.

Rountree, Helen C., Pocohontas's People: The Powhatan Indians of Virginia
Through Four Centuries, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1990.

Shepherd, S. L., Memoirs of Judge Lewis Shepherd, Chattanooga, 1915.

Stuart, Jesse, Daughter of the Legend, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.

Vande Brake, Katherine, How They Shine: Melungeon Characters in the Fiction
of Appalachia, Macon, Georgia, Mercer University Press, 2001.

Williams, Samuel Cole, Early Travels in the Tennessee Country 1540-1800,
Watauga Press, Johnson City, Tennessee, 1928.

Winkler, Wayne (NEW BOOK)

Wood, Karenne, and Shields, Diane, The Monacan Indians: Our Story, Monacan
Indian Nation, Madison Heights, Virginia, 2000.

Anthony, Ted. "The Melungeons: Mystery in the Mountains." The Knoxville News-Sentinel. June 18, 1998.

Aswell, James, Lost Tribes of Tennessee Mountains, Nashville Banner,
August 22, 1937.

The Atlantic Constitution "Melungeons Are Vanishing: Mixed Race Leaving Mountain Home." . Dec. 2 1971.

Ball, Bonnie. "Who are the Melungeons?" Southern Literary Messenger. v. 3, No. 2, (June 1945): pp. 5-7.

Beale, Calvin L., American Triracial Isolates: Their Status and Pertinence
to Genetic Research, Eugenics Quarterly 4 (4), 187-196.

Beale, Calvin L., An Overview of the Phenomenon of Mixed Racial Isolated
in the United States, American Anthropologist 74, 1972, 704-710.

Bleakley, Fred R., Appalachian Clan Mines Web Sites for Ancestral Clues, Wall Street Journal, April 14, 1997, B-1, B-5.

Bristol Herald Courier, Mysterious Melungeons: No Origin, No Color,
October 26, 1970, Section 2-1.

Burnett, Swan, Note on the Melungeons, American Anthropologist,
October 1889, 347.

Cavender, Anthony P., The Melungeons of Upper East Tennessee: Persisting
Social Identity, Tennessee Anthropologist, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1981.

Coalfield Progress, The, "Crawford Story Brings Comment, July 4, 1940.

Converse, Paul, The Melungeons, Southern Collegian, December 1912, 59-69.

Dane, J. K. , and Griessman, B. Eugene, The Collective Identity of
Marginal Peoples: The North Carolina Experience, American Anthropologist
74, 694, 1972.

Davis, Louise, Why Are They Vanishing?, Nashville Tennesseeans Sunday
Magazine, September 29, 1963.

_____________, The Mystery of the Melungeons, Nashville Tennesseeans
Sunday Magazine, September 22, 1963.

DeMarce, Virginia Easley, Verry Slitly Mixt: Tri-Racial Isolate Families
of the Upper South - A Genealogical Study, National Genealogical Society
Quarterly, March 1992.

____________, Looking at Legends - Lumbee and Melungeon: Applied Genealogy
and the Origins of Tri-racial Isolate Settlements, National Genealogical
Quarterly, March 1993, 24-45.

_____________, The Melungeons (review essay), National Genealogical
Quarterly, June 1996, 134-149.

Dromgoole, Will Allen, Land of the Malungeons, Nashville Sunday American,
August 31, 1890, 10.

______________, A Strange People, Nashville Sunday American, September
15, 1890, 10.

______________, The Malungeons, The Arena, Vol. 3, March 1891, 470-479.

______________, The Malungeon Tree and Its Four Branches, The Arena, Vol.
3, June 1891, 745-751.

Everett, C. S. Melungeon History and Myth, Appalachian Journal, Summer
1999, 358 - 404.

Fetterman, John, The Mystery of Newman's Ridge, Life Magazine, June 26,
1970, 23. (Not in all editions.)

Gilbert, William Harlan, Jr., Memorandum Concerning the Characteristics of
the Larger Mixed-Blood Racial Islands in the Eastern United States, Social
Forces 21 (4), May 1946, 438-477.

Glenn, Juanita, Hancock Countians Prepare For Drama About Melungeons,
Knoxville Journal, May 1, 1969, 5.

Glenn, Juanita, Hancock Countians Aiding Dream With Drama, Knoxville
Journal, Thursday, March 11, 1971.

Grohse, William Paul, papers (Microfilm Roll # 7) East Tennessee State

___________, Hancock County - The Land of Mystery, Hancock County Post,
July 4, 1968, 10-12.

Guthrie, James L., Melungeons: Comparison of Gene Frequency Distributions
to those of Worldwide Populations, Tennessee Anthropologist, Vol. XV, No.
1, Spring 1990.

Hancock News Journal (Hancock County, Tennessee), Tennessee Ernie Ford Is
Chairman Friend of the Melungeons [sic], February 5, 1971.

Hardin, Peter, Eugenics in Virginia, Richmond Times-Dispatch, November
26, 2000, online edition.

Henige, David, Origin Traditions of American Racial Isolates: A Case of
Something Borrowed, Appalachian Journal, Spring 1984, 201-213.

___________, The Melungeons Become a Race, Appalachian Journal, Vol. 25,
No. 3, Spring 1998, 270 - 286.

___________, Henige Answers Wilson, Appalachian Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3,
Spring 1998, 297-298.

Ivey, Saundra Keyes, , Oral, Printed, and Popular Culture Traditions
Related to the Melungeons of Hancock County, Tennessee, Ph.D. dissertation,
Indiana University, 1976

Kingsport Times, Melungeon Line Almost Extinct, November 26, 1964,9-C.

Kingsport Times, Distinct Race of People Inhabits the Mountains of East
Tennessee, Tuesday, August 7, 1923, 1.

Kingsport Times, Melungeon Drama Goes On Despite Money Problems, April
13, 1972.

Knoxville Journal, The Melungeons: A Peculiar Race of People Living in
Hancock County, Sunday, September 28, 1890, 1.

Littel's Living Age, No. 254-31, The Melungeons, March 1849.

Melungeon Drama Goes On Despite Money Problems, Kingsport Times,
Wednesday, April 19, 1972.

Montell, Lynwood, The Coe Ridge Colony: A Racial Island Disappears,
American Anthropologist 74,710, 1972;

Morello, Carol, Beneath Myth, Melungeons Find Roots of Oppression,
Washington Post, May 29, 2000, online edition.

Nordheimer, John, Mysterious Hill Folk Vanishing, New York Times, August
10, 1971, 33,38.

Pollitzer, William, The Physical Anthropology and Genetics of Marginal
People of the Southeastern United States, American Anthropologist, Vol. 74,
No. 3, 1972, 719 - 734.

Price, Edward, The Melungeons: A Mixed-Blood Strain of the Southern
Appalachians, Geographical Review 41 (2), 256-271.

Price, Edward T., A Geographic Analysis of White-Negro-Indian Racial
Mixtures in the Eastern United States, Association of American
Geographers, Annals, Vol. 43, June 1953, 138- 155.

Price, Henry, Melungeons: The Vanishing Colony of Newman's Ridge, lecture
presented at the Spring Meeting of the American Studies Association of
Kentucky and Tennessee, March 25-26, 1966, Tennessee Technical University,
Cookeville, Tennessee, transcript from Grohse Papers, Roll 7, East Tennessee
State University, Johnson City, Tennessee.

Reed, John Shelton, Mixing in the Mountains, Southern Cultures, Winter

Shaub, Earl L. ed. "Melungeons: The Mystery People of Tennessee." The Tennessee Conversationist (August 1959): pp. 18-19

Shepard, Lewis. "Romantic Account of the Celebrated 'Melungeon' Case." Watson's Magazine. v. 17 No. 1 (May 1913): pp. 34-40.

Weals, Vic, "Home Folks," Knoxville Journal, July 24, 1953.

Wilson, Darlene, "Miscegenation, Melungeons, and Appalachia: A Virtual Case
Study in Documentary Racism," project proposal, University of Kentucky,

___________, "A Response to Henige," Appalachian Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3,
Spring 1998, 286-296.

Winston-Salem Journal, "Breakthrough: Genetic Tests Trace History of Melungeon People." . May, 17 1993.

Worden, W.L., "Sons of the Legend," Saturday Evening Post, October 18,

Yarbrough, Willard, "Melungeons Ways Are Passing," Knoxville News-Sentinel,
April 26, 1972, 33.

_____________, "Maligned Mountain Folk May Be Topic of Drama," Knoxville
News- Sentinel, January 8, 1968, 1.

_____________, "Melungeon Story Revived," Knoxville News-Sentinel, June 21,
1973, 25.

Zuber, Leo, "The Melungeons," WPA Federal Writers Guide MSS, McClung
Historical Collection, Lawson-McGhee Library, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tennessee.


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